I'm sure that in a month I will be lamenting my (perceived) lack of food. However, right now, I feel I am in a race against time to eat anything that spoils easily. I feel a small thrill of triumph every time I finish something (so far: mango slices and chicken salad. Tasty, but nothing that has significantly made a dent in any of my food problem areas). I've been downing bananas as frequently as I can handle (WHY did I buy five of a fruit I don't even really like?!), but there are two remaining this morning, and they are starting show brown spots faster than I would expect. Ok, I have no expectations, since I haven't had bananas since high school, but it does seem to be fast. I actually love banana bread, which needs overripe bananas, but I don't think two is enough (unless someone has a recipe for one very small loaf - in which case, please share!).
So when does a banana actually go bad? Is the one on the left questionable yet? Also, the grapefruits in the background look accusatory - I haven't even opened the bag yet. |
I can feel myself already starting to ponder the slightly empty fridge and feel the need to fill it. Which is absurd, since EVERY OTHER surface in my house is creaking under the weight of assortments of food products. I have several containers of pasta and a red sauce in the fridge and on my counter, so I may just make a large prep of that for the next two evenings, until I can get to the weekend and have a bit more time to plan meals and actually bake/cook them.
Snacks, however, haven't been a problem. They are close by as I watch television or work on my computer, and I've already finished two of the (mystically seemingly small) bags of jerky (one turkey, one organic beef). After my run this evening, a few of the mini-ice cream cones disappeared (I blame the dog). I don't think finishing up the freezer desserts will be a trial. And maybe it will even let me remember what's behind them.
Also, after taking stock, I seem to have an overabundance of breakfast items. Eggs, sausages, turkey bacon, waffles, pancakes. Definitely planning a breakfast-for-dinner this weekend - great excuse to make my favorite bread, biscuits (Insert yearly rant about how no New England restaurants seem to feel the need to bake these - English muffins don't count, people!).
Refrigerator breakfast items. Not too bad - bacon and eggs can be used in a variety of great recipes. I still have pancake batter as well, though. |
Annnd this is where it gets slightly absurd. Did I really need to purchase hash browns, waffles, AND chicken sausage in the same trip to the grocery store? |
Today's plan: lots and lots of blackberries. They are delicious, but perilously close to the edge. They are the husband's favorite berry, so I'm not used to them being in the fridge more than 6 hours post-grocery store. Also, I'm actually going to try packing and bringing my lunch to lab in an attempt to use up food faster.
Still pondering the rules of the "no buying groceries" challenge I've set for myself. Husband suggested a "buy one if it will get rid of two," which sounds appealing but also could be easily manipulated by moi, especially whilst standing in the middle of lovely in-season produce or the baking supplies aisle. I can feel my willpower breaking down from here.
Argh to being even slightly behind in reading about your challenge! Two bananas is totally enough, by the way - and, if you have room, you can take the spotty ones and throw them in the freezer to use for bread at a later date. I actually really like bananas, but only when they are still practically green, so finding a way to use the spotty ones became a quest (because once they start changing they do hurry up about it). another solution (+berries, +yogurt) = smoothies. again, probably too late...
ReplyDeleteI managed to finish the blackberries before they went bad, although I still have some frozen blueberries (most likely muffins at some future date). Unfortunately I have only a super small food processor that has failed in previous attempts to make smoothies :( Which is too bad because I love them, and they can be super tasty and healthy.
DeleteI'm actually hoping to make some banana muffins today - a friend sent me a recipe that uses only 2 bananas, so I'll do that unless my mother tells me my favorite childhood recipe of banana bread also uses only 2 (and I have all the ingredients). I should have a post up about them today/tomorrow!